Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Video: Automotive modelling

Modelmakers at work in the Nissan Design Centre.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

FBE Design Lab

The venue for IDES1013 is the FBE Design Laboratory, located in the SquareHouse (Building E4 on the UNSW Kensington campus map). The training rooms for the various modelmaking modules are below.

IDES1013 video requirements

All IDES1013 students are required to watch and understand these two videos: the FBE Design Lab online safety test has many questions coming from these videos!

1. Safety in Technology Workshops: Working with Wood, Metal and Plastic. 5-minute online preview of a 23-minute DVD from Video Education Australasia, available at FBE Design Laboratory

2. Safety in the Workshop: your tools are out to get you!. 5-minute online preview of a 16-minute DVD from Classroom Video, available at FBE Design Laboratory

Video: "Funny OH&S pictures"

Video: "Power tool safety for Lego Dudes"

Funny video: "Beware of tools made in October"

Interactive: Workcover NSW "Working with Noise"

Interactive: Workcover NSW "Working with Machines"

Interactive: Workcover NSW "Working with Chemicals"

Video: "There really are no accidents"

Video: "Work Area"

Workshop Safety Tips: Work Area -- powered by

Video: "Workshop Clothing"

Workshop Safety Tips: Clothing -- powered by

Video: "Workshop Protective Gear"

Workshop Safety Tips: Protective Gear -- powered by

Video: "How to use a Dremel tool"

How to Use a Dremel Tool -- powered by

Video: "Working against the blade"

Accidents are preventable

Handout to a 2008 IDES1012 lecture, "Accidents are preventable".

Reading Vernier Callipers

Industrial designers, machinists, scientists, etc ... they all use vernier callipers to make high-precision measurements of distances between two symmetrically opposing sides. It is highly recommended that IDES students equip themselves with vernier callipers in their design studio toolkits.

The above Java applet by Ron Blond of Alberta Learning Canada trains students in reading vernier callipers.

Another website, from the Physics Department of Clemson University, also provides video tutorials on how to read verniers.

And this web simulation from Southern Methodist University tests students on their vernier reading skills.

Visual Dictionary of Workshop Equipment

Click here for a 6-page "visual dictionary of workshop equipment".