Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Video: Bandsaw safety

Video: Prototyping Processes for ID

Digital prototyping processes for industrial designers, including stereolithography apparatus (SLA), fused deposition modeling (FDM), computer numerically controlled (CNC) machining of rigid foam. Compiled by Karl Frankowski for the Here By Design III exhibit at the Goldstein Museum of Design in 2008.

HowStuffWorks also has an article on how 3D layering is done.

Videos: Fused Deposition Modelling

From Stratasys FDM. It uses an additive fabrication technology known as fused deposition modelling, similar to the one we have in the FBE Design Lab. But this is the Fortus series, ours is the Dimension series.

There's another video below on direct digital manufacturing using FDM from the industrial design supersite Core 77.

Video: Power Tools

From Bob Schmidt of HomeRemodelWorkshop